Human Resources

Retirement Plan

所有全职员工都参加北卡罗来纳州教师和州雇员退休制度. State retirement is deducted at the rate of six percent; the state contribution varies dependent on market conditions. 捐款是联邦和州所得税的免税目的. 员工在5年的诚信服务后可获得奖励. Annual benefit is based on 1.平均最终薪酬的82%乘以信用服务年数. 死亡抚恤金相等于前24个月最高的12个月工资,但不得少于25美元,000 or more than $50,供款满一年后,雇员在现役期间死亡. For more information, please visit the My N.C. Retirement website.

Health Insurance

所有全职员工都有资格加入北卡罗来纳州健康计划,该计划提供两种首选提供者组织(PPO)计划. PPO计划提供了选择网络内供应商的自由, 较低的自付费用和高度重视预防保健. 国家健康计划提供两种健康计划选择:80/20计划和70/30计划. 这两项计划都由北卡罗来纳州的蓝十字和蓝盾管理,但福利由州政府支付. Both plans cover the same medical and pharmacy services. However, the member cost share varies by each plan.


Additional information is also available from the N.C. State Health Plan website or watch their New Employee Benefits Overview video.

Group Insurance


  • dental insurance
  • vision care
  • group term life insurance
  • cash value permanent life insurance
  • accidental death and dismemberment
  • group disability
  • cancer insurance
  • long-term care insurance
  • flexible benefits spending account
  • TriCare Supplement (for military retirees only)

Employees may select coverage under any of these plans. 所有这些计划都得到了北卡州的批准,用于扣减工资.

State Sponsored 401(k) Program & 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan

北卡罗来纳州发起了一项401(k)计划,该计划适用于所有参加教师和州雇员退休制度的教师和州雇员. The plan is administered by Prudential. 它的主要特点是使当期薪酬免于缴纳当期所得税,同时将根据该计划获得的利润的所得税推迟到退休时才征收. Please visit website at

Rowan-Cabarrus的员工还可以选择通过TIAA-CREF参加457(b)递延补偿计划. 457(b) plans are non-qualified, 递延纳税补偿计划,使你能够在税前的基础上留出一部分工资. Contributions are made through payroll reduction, 在税前基础上发生,并累积递延税款直至提取.

Disability Salary Continuation Plan


Short-Term Disability

  • 资格:作为N .计划的参与者,全职工作一年.C. Retirement System.
  • Waiting Period: 60 days
  • Benefit: 50% of monthly salary up to a maximum of $3,000 per month, for a period not longer than 365 days.

Long-Term Disability

  • 资格:作为NC退休系统的参与者,全职工作五年.
  • 等待期:一定已经耗尽了短期残疾.
  • 福利:在残疾的前36个月,工资的65%,每月最高3,000美元. After 36 months the benefit is reduced.

Professional Liability Insurance


Annual Leave

员工——全职行政和支持人员每个月的工作时间为10小时. Vacation may be accumulated to 240 hours. 超过240小时的未使用假期将在每个财政年度结束时转换为病假.


Sick Leave

所有全职员工每月休病假8小时,每个财政年度共休病假96小时(12天). 未使用的病假无限期累积,不能转移到任何其他类型的假期.

Bereavement Leave

在直系亲属死亡的情况下,全职雇员最多可获得三(3)天的带薪休假. 额外的天数可计入年假、病假或无薪假.

Personal Leave

所有成功完成180天以上工作的全职员工每年有资格享受最多三天的事假. Personal leave expires at the end of each fiscal year.

Family & Medical Leave

根据《菲律宾十大网赌网站》的规定,雇员每年可申请至多12周的无薪休假。. 如果员工工作至少12个月且至少1个月,就有资格休假,250 hours over the past 12 months.

Legal Duty


Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

全职员工及其家庭成员可以获得广泛的以员工为中心的服务, on topics such as personal and professional development, work-life balance, wellness and counseling, 透过雇员援助计划免费提供.

State Employees’ Credit Union

北卡罗莱纳州雇员信用合作社是一个提供储蓄和信贷资源的储蓄和贷款合作协会. 员工有资格在我们服务区的众多地点之一加入信用合作社, see their website for details,

Longevity Pay


Years of Aggregate State Service & Longevity Pay Rate

  • 10-14: 1.50% of Salary
  • 15-19 2.25% of Salary
  • 20-24 3.25% of Salary
  • 25 or more 4.50% of Salary


Equal Employment Opportunity - 菲律宾十大网赌网站认为,所有雇员和就业申请人应不分种族,享有平等的就业机会, color, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity including transgender status), national origin, religion, age (40 or over), genetic information, disability, or retaliation for engaging in an EEO-protected activity.